Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…”
Matthew 19:14
Sunday Evenings
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Wednesday Evening Awana’s
6:45pm – 8:00pm
I would like to take this opportunity to explain our Christmas program practice schedule.
We will have practice that will coincide with the Wednesday night service.
If your child desires to audition for a speaking part, please have them present at the modular on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:00PM. Your child will be notified by the end of the night if they have received a speaking part so they can begin memorization of their lines. Please understand that NOT ALL children will be chosen for a speaking part in the performance, but we will ALL participate as part of the children’s choir. Auditions will be for students that can read without assistance.
- Wednesday night schedule
Actors/Actresses line rehearsal 6:00 PM– 6:25PM - K5(enrolled in kindergarten) – 5th grade will have Children’s Choir practice from 6:30PM–7:00 PM and will then be dismissed to lesson time from 7:00PM–7:30PM.
- 2 years old (must be potty trained) – 4 years old will have lesson time from 6:30PM–7:10PM
and Children’s Choir practice from 7:10PM–7:30PM
- Please have your child at the modular by 6:25PM so that we can do our attendance check-in as well as protocol for our health safety precautions.
- We also ask that you please have your child use the restroom before they come to the modular. There is a bathroom in the modular for emergencies, but it would help us with our condensed schedule if you could assist your child with this in the main sanctuary before they are checked in.
Practice schedule: Wednesday
October 7 November 4 December 2
October 14 November 11 December 9
October 21 November 18
October 28
- Saturday, December 12 This is a mandatory rehearsal
10-2 for speaking parts and K5 – 5th grade
(Dress rehearsal for speaking parts)
11:00-12:30 2 years old – 4 years old
*lunch will be served at this practice between 12:00 and 12:30*
- Sunday, December 13 6:00PM Performance
***The children will perform a scene and song from the musical in the 9:00 and 11:00 service- Please dress in Christmas colors.
K5 – 5th need to arrive at 4:45PM for a quick rehearsal
2 years old – 4 years old need to arrive at 5:45PM
Thank you,
Amy Borst 941-356-4918